Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Taylor: Final Project Post #2

So, as all of you well know, I am going to be the mad hattress. So far, I have bought the fabric and assembled a skirt.
Image result for brown satin fabric
Chocolate Brown Satin

Image result for square dancing dress pattern
Crazy small pattern
Originally, when I embarked on this quest to become the mad hattress, I had formulated a plan. I had a hat, I had a top and some accessories. Little did I know that I was going to have to make adjustments. I had originally planned to make a skirt from a square dancing dress. I was of course only going to use the skirt part of it. However, after I had bought the 5 yards of chocolate brown satin, we discovered that the pattern was too small for me. I seriously think that It wouldn't have fit Kate Moss, and that chick was skinny. For real though, this skirt was tiny. So, I had to make some adjustments. And by adjustments, I mean that I made an entirely new pattern.

Image result for mad hattressImage result for mad made an entirely new pattern, I mean that Sister Dooley walked me through making the pattern for a circle skirt. It was fun. All I needed was tracing paper, a measuring tape, and some basic geometry that I learned in 4th grade. I drafted a pattern in an hour, tops.

Image result for make dress pattern circle skirtAfter drafting the pattern, I started to cut the fabric. Alpha helped me with that. Who knew that Satin was so tricky. Just as a forewarning, cutting is an art. Everything needs to be as smooth as a military bed spread before you even pin the dang thing. It was fun, though. Getting out the wrinkles and smoothing out the imperfections in the satin satisfied the inner anal-retentive nut case in all of us (and by us, I mean me, but you I know you know how that feels, too). Just so you know, anal-retentive is not vulgar. It is a Freudian term that can sum up someone with perfectionist issues, and we all have one of those in at least one area. Haha
Image result for petticoats black
Anyway, as I was saying, I assembled that bad boy.  I need to hem it by like 1 1/2 inches, but for the most part, the skirt is done, but I need to stuff a LOT of petticoats under it.

I still have some stuff to do. First of all, I need to assemble the rest of my costume. I plan on borrowing (teehee, I already have). But I can mix and match as my satisfaction comes and goes and what have you. I plan on making my character very fancy proletariat.

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