Thursday, April 16, 2015


So, actually a good deal ended up being different than my original design. The dress more closely reflects the classic Cinderella ball gown than the new design. However, I am extremely happy with how this turned. out. So the sleeves do not actually include the puff that I originally planned that would match the material of the skirt. I am a little disappointed because i thought that it would help to tie the outfit together and create more cohesiveness, but it is not a major issue. In the time limits I had it was simply not possible. I also planned to use a tutorial I found on Pinterest to recreate this hairstyle:
But again, time constraints were an issue. It just so happened that I had put my hair in a nice bun that morning, with a pretty clip. It worked well to channel the concept of the  older Cinderella look, but I felt like the clip I had added a twist that was reflective of the newer style dress. In all, the look served as more of a combination of the two different Cinderella gowns. I felt like my outfit brought them together harmoniously. I (inadvertently) held true to the Cinderella theme by showing up rather late. However, just like for Cinderella, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. I got a bit of attention for it (I am just going to imagine it was all positive), but what really pleased me about it was that people who didn't know what my costume was supposed to be (because I hadn't presented it yet) came up to me and told me that I looked like Cinderella--before I even had my sparkly shoes with me! To me this was just a confirmation that I had done a good job and succeeded in portraying Cinderella. This was basically the most exciting part of the night. Also, getting to wear those sparkly shoes put me over the moon. Almost literally... I towered over just about everyone!

I am extremely happy with my project overall. I feel like I was able to apply a lot of what I learned this semester: learning to work under a tight time frame, working with what supplies, patterns, etc, that I had available, learning to have less than planned, but still managing to be successful. Also,  I improved as a seamstress. Any project helps, but this one was particularly challenging I had I to use and relearn skills that I did not know, or had forgotten. Overall, this was a screaming success!!!1

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