Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Alyssa Asplund, My second overdue blog post

Here we go again!

For my lab hours I made these cool funky hats. They were originally just thin plastic top hats. The problems with them were that they were too shiny, and that looked really weird, and that if they got dented at all then it would be completely obvious. After thinking about it a couple of different ways, it became clear that the only effective solution would be to cover them with fabric. To do this I used black cotton and glue. I poked a hole in the center at the top of the hat and glued an oval of fabric down, and then clipped the overhanging fabric so that it could lay down neatly. Then I cut out some fabric for the sides of the hat and glued the ends to the side of the hat. It stayed pretty well. Then for the brim I realized that the glue took away some of the shine, and left a textured brush stroke where it dried. I thought this was interesting but not distracting, and I really didn't want to cover the brim because that would be more difficult, so I just went with the glue. I spent an entire class period on this plus a little lab time, for four hats, and boy was I glad when it was done! However, they weren' even used in the play anyway, so it was kind of a flop.

I also removed the buttons from the constable's coat and added on some fancy new silver ones. That was boring, and easy, and overall uneventful... And also took more time than I had anticipated. And apparently I didn't even do that great because one of them ended up falling off anyway. OOOPPS!

And sadly, I forgot to take pictures this week, so this post is picture-less. :( So much disappointment, I'm sorry.

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