Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mary Poppins: the wrap up

Overall I felt like I learned a lot from working on this play. And I had plenty of adventures, too. This was a great experience and I had so much fun getting to work with all of you!

I felt like my sewing skills and my confidence with sewing improved. This was from trial and error, as you see I broke the sewing machine so many times that I have lost count, but the final results have been worth it. And I am mostly saying that because it was Sister Dooley, not me, who fixed it almost every time. But I learned how to sew with thicker fabric, and I learned about making templates for when I have to cut and sew multiples of the same thing, and of course my adventure with plastic top hats. I really am thankful to have had this opportunity to work on this play.

SO many adventures. From exploring the costume shop, to creating costumes, to trying on funky hats, or even just singing Disney songs in class, this had been a great experience. Probably the most adventurous thing is going upstairs, though. You can always find something new. When I thought I had figured the place out I found the loft with petticoats and hoop skirts. Honestly, that place is always feeling new.

I am so thankful to have been able to play a part in creating such a wonderful play. And even though I didn't get to see all of it put together (I was sick that weekend and spent all my spare time resting), I know with all of the hard work everyone put in it had to have been completely fantastic. GO US!!

Also, I took some fun pictures on the camera that we had in the makeup room. That was really fun :)

What went well about this production?

All of the costumes looked extremely nice put together. Generally it was pretty easy to costume people, as most of the actors were men and they only required to be dressed in blacks/browns for sweeps and customers. There were some issues with the variety of sizes of people that we costumed, but it went quite well overall. It was also great to be able to put a bit of creativity into the women's costume. I think that women, aside from Bert, had more interesting/unique roles than men in this play.

Some of the artwork actors made backstage :)

What could have been done better?

We had some issues with organization. Although it wasn't as bad as it could have been, there is still room for improvement. We had some items go missing/get lost. Sometimes I had an item and I wasn't really sure what to do with it. I think having a clear place to put things would help eliminate some confusion. The racks are messy and hard to maintain. Keeping things organized in lockers as much as and as soon as possible might be the best situation for this. That way anything that is not in a locker is clearly separated from items that have already been assigned to someone.

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