Friday, February 6, 2015

Costume Shop

The costume shop is a fun, messy, crowded place with lots of happy, interesting and exciting items. It is a unique environment with exciting and random people. And Disney references. What would the world be without Disney references?

Things that go on in the costume shop are always interesting.

Sometimes you find yourself stuck in the costume closet upstairs for who knows how long. Time is like a vacuum there. You forget what sunlight is. You forget what fresh air tastes like. If you're there more than an hour you risk forgetting who you are. Which is what nearly happened when we put away two whole racks of 'go backs'. I later had to revisit that place to search for *gasp* a hoop skirt. The worst part was I had to go back alone. I'm (mostly) just kidding. But I did get in and out as fast as I could carrying a hoop skirt.

I was extremely happy to finish my project of working on Miss Lark's costume, and it looks quite fabulous, if I do say so myself! However, I put the costume away before I remembered to take a picture of it, so instead, I give you the classy and sassy INGRID!!

Ingrid, the sassy constable. Don't mess with her.
For my next project, I worked on the dress for one of Ms. Corry's daughters. I might have made a slight mistake with it, and I might have broken a needle (again), but I blame everyone else for letting me sew, really it's their fault. So the dress is not done, I will probably have to fix it up next class period, but that's all right! Anyway, here it is!

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