Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Taylor's lab hours

This past week I worked primarily on two different things:

Pattern pdf
Sister Dooley pinned it up!
One of them was a pattern that Sister Dooley needed taped together and traced for the statue unitards. Man, I had no idea how difficult that it was actually going to be. I thought that it was going to be a breeze, but patterns are confusing. But, hey! I got it done. I was able to trace Hera's unitard (for Sierra Phillips) which was tiiiiiinnnyyy!

Mrs Correy (Broadway)
What we have thus far.
The second thing that I did was work with Mrs Correy's costume. Honestly, this costume has taken forever and a day to put together thus far. I think that the reason for taking so darn long is that Mrs. Correy is an eccentric and creative character. On Broadway, her bussel is trays of treats! I've been super excited about her character. It is still in the making, and it's taking a while but the end result will be AWESOME! I'm super excited to make her accessories, which will be letters and such. I guess next I'm going to have to sew all of it together instead of just keeping it up with pins! Hopefully, that won't take very long. Also, Alpha and I were wanting to make her bussel huge!

Words to the wise: Don't do all of your lab hours at once. Your feet will hurt so bad that you won't want to walk for a while. 'Nuff said, yo!

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